Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Observations of Portland/ Differences.

- A homeless guy busts out a flip phone and starts texting someone. Homeless people are common and surprisingly friendly (for obvious reasons). Sometimes it's as if they chose an extremely different lifestyle.

- People are lean and beautiful here. Health is often first priority in people's lives.

- In a bar people will chat you up all night. In the street no one makes eye contact.

- Hunters are nervous about admitting they like to hunt for fear of being lectured about animal rights.

- People speak openly in public about using heavy drugs such as heroin, cocaine, etc

- People don't ask you what you do for a living. They ask you how you are doing. And they mean it.

- There is a heavy contingent of Californians here, most from Los Angeles and most are really, really fun.

- Everyone drives the speed limit. That is irritating.

- I never see police. When I do, they are in a squad car. Never on foot or horseback.

- Bicycles are everywhere, EVERYWHERE. And they get out of the way.

- You can buy beer at the gas station... on Sunday. Be jealous.

- The only place I see someone in a suit is at the bank.

- I rarely see churches.

- It always smell like a breezy greenhouse because that's what this whole place is.

- Being able to fix things is rare in most circles.

- Most apartment complexes have an exterior entrance for each apartment, like motels, but it's normal.

- Most people are really, really nice. That being said, it is difficult for people to take the step from small talk to making plans to hang out.

- Many people are warning me about the winters here. Benchmark is what? Yeah.

More later.

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